Sunday 16 November 2014

Venner midt i ebolakrisen i Sierra Leone

Lørdag kveld. Ligner på så mange andre, med sine mellomstore gleder og bekymringer. Midt i peiskosen piper det inn en melding fra Sierra Leone. Josephine, hennes sønn Emmanuel og staben driver et imponerende arbeid for de fattigste barna. Men deres skoleprosjekt og hjem for foreldreløse har endret helt karakter etter at ebola-krisen brøt ut: Nå handler dagene om å redde liv! De siste månedene har et 20-talls venner bidratt med penger, og redningsarbeidet har fått akkurat så mye penger som de har sagt de klarer å håndtere månedlig, 11 millioner Leone (tilsvarende 17.000 NOK).

Den 21. i måneden skal ny overføring gjøres, og vi krysser fingre for at vi klarer å nå målet denne gangen også.

Nedenfor finner du bilder og kommunikasjonen med Emmanuel.

Utvekslingen gjør noe med lørdagskvelden -men det beste er at bidragene herfra gjør en mye større forskjell for mange mennesker i den lille landsbyen Lunsar som ligger midt i det hardest rammede området i Vest Afrika. 

Emmanuel: The above pics was the distribution of food and clothing to children who are now regarded as orphans due to ebola.

Emmanuel: the above children were among the only 4 surviours of the ebola scourge in lunsar. we supported them with a welcome with food items

Bård:It's bad, really bad...
But these kids may have been victims as well -which is the bright side that they are not.., I assume you have a well trained ability to see the brighter side, the wins, not the loss...


Emmanuel: These were the rest of the other survivors we supported.  we were not able to support all we just choose few that are related to our school as parents or children in school. Around 67 have survived ebola in lunsar

Bård: Great respect for the work you do!!

 Emmanuel: These are children only now living with their grand mother after father and mum plus other siblings killed by ebola. They benefited from some clothings.

Emmanuel: This man is left to look after that baby and 2 kids after losing his wife. .. the school is thinking of adopting that baby so we supported her with baby food and clothing s for the others

Bård: How are you yourself, Emmanuel?

Emmanuel: Bard am doing fine honestly just getting too confuse as well worry for the persistence of ebola in our country to date

Bård: Good! And Josephine? It seems based on the picture that life is hard... I do worry for her, thus knowing how strong she is... and how much prayers she is embraced with...

Emmanuel: Yes she is doing great and like you said she gets her strength from her faith in the lord who she had clinged to. She is getting older day by day but she is still determined to do her best to helping some one no matter who

How about you guys as well?

Bård: Thank you for asking!
I feel ashamed about the topics being defined as problems here around... Meaning my answer should have been "all just fine". Which is actually the truth... but if you had seen the news, heard the discussions and looked into the worries -you would probably have asked yourself "how is it possible with all that wealth...

But I do feel blessed, and so thankful for health, peace in our home, and so glad for my children, grand children... Even more with your messages as input this Saturday evening! Thank you!!

(I was interviewed in the local newspaper today -about tax politics... I wish I could tell you another story -that the topic was about some important instead...)

Please bring our warm regards and gratitude for converting the money we collect with help from out friends to a difference for people in need!!

We are lucky having you as friends! -giving us a possibility to contribute a bit..

Emmanuel: Yes Bard we do also appreciate your willingness and good will to help in the first place, like we said always many people are in your position but not ready to help at all. For us here its true that with all the endowment this country is blessed with more so also our community lunsar we are still faced with numerous problems unsolved except we seek for external support and interventions. Frankly we wish sierra leone to have been better but still struggle contiues

Our greatest assurance is that we do our best as a family to ensuring your efforts and contribution yeilds the expected outcome.  We are looking forward to more collaboration in the future.



Emmanuel: Our intervention for post ebola Bard will be around ebola orphans since you know our aim is always to assure a average life for children that are less privileged. I hope you can find any support for us in the future in that direction. I believe any intervention can do a lot to helping them and there by assuring them for a future.

Vil du være med og hjelpe gjennom sykepleier Josephine Contehs arbeid i Sierra Leone kan du sende meg en PM på Facebook, eller epost til baard.stranheim -at-, så skal jeg sende deg kontonummer. Hver 100-lapp går helt og holdent til innkjøp av medisiner, desinfeksjonsmidler, mat og ting barna og familiene trenger.

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